Baby of Bethlehem
This past month I was able to produce a music video for The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square’s Youtube Channel. The video uses a performance of “Baby of Bethlehem” that was done with Kelli O’Hara last December during the Choir’s annual Christmas Concert.
As I was listening to the lyrics the words “O sister, don’t you want to go to heaven? Baby of Bethlehem, Baby of Bethlehem” reminded me of my neighbors Treagan and Hensleigh White who lost their wife and mother to cancer earlier this year. Kim White was an influencer on Instagram for several years where she documented her battle with cancer and offered hope to many people.
I spoke to Treagan and asked if he and Hensleigh would be part of this video to share their faith in the Resurrection made possible through the Baby in Bethlehem.